Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Maori Language Week Challenges 2 and 3

Yesterday the Meerkats were very busy and couldn't find time to finish the challenge. So today we decided to make a movie to show the last two challenges. Our friends visiting from Australia (Hazelnut and Luna) wanted to be in the video, but they were scared. So Ngeru offered to be in the video with them. Have a look at our video. Thank you to Danielle and Ryley for making the video and Dakshesh and Dizaliyah for helping Ngeru, Hazelnut and Luna remember their lines.


  1. Tino Pai Meerkats ... Awesome combination of 2 challenges and your mascots

  2. Room 10, Allenton school25 August 2015 at 09:21

    Hi Meerkats. We would love to know what app or programme you used to make this video.
    From Room 10, Allenton School

  3. Hi Room 10!

    We're pretty sure it was this app: Any stop motion programme could work. If you don't have iPads, you could try Monkey Jam on a PC.


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