Friday, 1 May 2015


Here is the newsletter that was sent home today. I'm working on a way to have these all available for download somewhere on this blog, so watch this space (or the space to the right of this space).

I just want to comment on a few things in the newsletter:

1) Congratulations to both Trey and Mu for coming to school EVERY DAY of Term One. Amazing!

2) Don't forget Park and Walk Day on Monday. Meet at the church or the park and walk with a huge group of people (and also get some Hot Chocolate when you arrive at school).

3) If you got the paper copy of the newsletter, don't forget to fill in the slip at the back and return it to school. Your child(ren) could win a prize!

UPDATE: Sometimes I even surprise myself. I've shared the newsletters (the last two at least) on the sidebar, underneath the categories and above the Rowandale School Calendar).

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